The Call of the Corner
A few months ago, I had a stretch of several very hectic days. My schedule was so packed that I allowed my circumstances to squeeze me out of my normal private time with the Lord. I could feel the strain in my soul as I tried to fulfill my ministry responsibilities. Then one morning, the Holy Spirit quietly said to me “The corner is calling you.” He didn’t have to say it twice. I knew exactly what He was telling me.
Down through the years, I have had a lot of favorite places to pray. As time has gone by, I have discovered that I like to pray in a quiet, dark place. This eliminates audible and visual distractions. I am also partial to corners. In my study at home, there is a corner with a big cabinet next to it. I keep a blanket there to wrap up in while I talk with the Lord.
A lot of special things have happened in my life in my “prayer corner.” When I am backed into a corner, I get desperate to lean on God. Sometimes as I sit in the corner, the Holy Spirit brings much needed discipline to my life. As I find myself at a corner, important choices are made. Around the corner my life is blessed with fresh perspective. When I turn the corner, my soul is renewed and my path becomes clear. It is in my corner that I find His strength made perfect in my weakness. Ultimately, the Lord brightens the corner where I am and gives me a faith-filled attitude for the day.
Jeremiah was “shut up in the court of the prison.” The Lord is the One who orchestrated him being there. It was there that the Lord said, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jer. 33:1-3 NKJV).
As we prepare to embrace The Finish Commitment, let’s start by listening to the call of the corner. That is where we will find the resources and direction for the work ahead.