Feet, Hands, Eyes & Ears


Everyone in the body of Christ has value and purpose.  Our value is based on the price that was paid for our redemption (Acts 20:28, 1 Corinthians 6:20, 1 Peter 1:18-19).  Our purpose is anchored in the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).  This is all demonstrated to the world by the way God designed the body of Christ to work.  Paul talks about this when he discusses how the body of Christ is supposed to function in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.  Here we are reminded of some easily overlooked kingdom principles.

Unity is born out of diversity.  If I can do what you do, I don’t need you.  However, nobody can do everything.  That’s why if your a “foot”, you need an “eye” to see where you’re going.  If your a “hand”, you need an “ear” to hear instructions.  Unity is not merely born out of sameness, but out of a recognition of our need for each other.  All across CA/NV, the old and young, men and women, large churches and small churches are working together to impact the harvest and FINISH the Great Commission.

Compassion is often born out of shared pain.  Paul says “if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it.”  Every minister and ministry family faces challenges.  We need to look out for one another.  Don’t let your brothers and sisters suffer alone.  Keep your eyes, ears and hearts open to one another.  Be intentional with your love and stay in touch.  Put legs on your prayers for others by helping them in some practical way when they are hurting.

Success by one is to be celebrated by all.  Paul bookends his statement about shared suffering by saying “if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.”  From Humboldt Bay in the north, to San Diego in the south, over to Las Vegas and up to Reno, we celebrate the good things God is doing through all of our local churches.  Take a little time each week to call a fellow minister and express your thanks for the blessing he or she is to you and to the ministry of the Church of God in our region.

We are ultimately appointed by God.  We all know that we receive our ministry appointments by those over us in the Lord.  However, they are instruments of the Lord, because “God has appointed these in the church.”  God is ultimately the one, working behind the scenes to position each of us where He wants us for maximum kingdom effectiveness.  Take joy in the opportunity God has given you to share the light and the love of Christ in the community where God has placed you.  Whether you’re a foot, hand, ear or an eye, God is using you right where you are.  Let’s love one another and celebrate God’s work among us and through us.